Tony Gill: Publications


Gill, Tony. "Metadata and the Web" Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. Murtha Baca (ed.), Online Edition Version 3.0, The J. Paul Getty Trust 2008.

Gill, Tony. "Building semantic bridges between museums, libraries and archives: The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model" First Monday Volume 9, Number 5, 3 May 2004 (also available from IMLS website).

Nick Crofts, Martin Doerr, Tony Gill, Stephen Stead, Matthew Stiff (editors). Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Version 3.4.9, November 2003, ICS-FORTH.

Crofts, N., Doerr, M. and Gill, T. "The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model: A standard for communicating cultural contents" Cultivate Interactive, Issue 9, 7 February 2003.

Gill, Tony (Ed). "RLG Cultural Materials Alliance: Description Guidelines" Version 1.3.0, September 2002, Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "Touring the Information Landscape: Designing the RLG Cultural Materials Data Model" RLG Focus Issue 58 (October 2002). Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "New Search Option Enhances RLG Cultural Materials" RLG Focus Issue 57 (August 2002). Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "The Value of Digital Cultural Content" Position Statement of the Cultural Content Forum. 2002, UKOLN

Gill, Tony. "Preservation of Digital Cultural Materials" Position Statement of the Cultural Content Forum. 2002, UKOLN

Gill, Tony, & Miller, Paul. "Seeking International Synergies for Digital Cultural Content Creation" RLG Focus Issue 54 (February 2002). Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony, & Miller, Paul. "Re-inventing the Wheel? Standards, Interoperability and Digital Cultural Content" D-Lib Magazine Volume 8, Number 1 (January 2002). Corporation for National Research Initiatives.

Gill, Tony (Ed). "RLG Cultural Materials Alliance: Description Guidelines" Version 1.2.0, January 2002, Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "3-D Culture on the Web" RLG DigiNews Volume 5, Number 3 (15 June 2001). Research Libraries Group 2001.

Spinazze, Angela, Willey, Paula, & Gill, Tony. "CIMI Consortium - The Organization of Museum Intelligence" International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control Volume 30 No. 1, IFLA 2001

Gill, Tony. "The CIMI Side of RLG: Why RLG has Always Been a Member of the CIMI Consortium" RLG Focus Issue 48 (February 2001). Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "Touring the RLG Information Landscape: the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model" RLG Focus Issue 45 (August 2000). Research Libraries Group.

Gill, Tony. "Metadata & the World Wide Web" Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. 2nd edition. The J. Paul Getty Trust 2000.

Gill, Tony & Erway, Ricky. "Research Libraries Group's Cultural Materials Initiative: Unifying Access to Disparate Digital Resources" VRA Bulletin Volume 27 Number 4. Visual Resources Association 2000.

Gill, Tony. "Untitled" Spectra Volume 27 Issue 1. Museum Computer Network 2000.

Gill, Tony. "Metadata & the World Wide Web" Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. 1st edition. The J. Paul Getty Trust, 1998.

Gill, Tony. "The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: Useful Tool or the Emperor's Newest Clothes?" Spectra Vol. 25 Issue 2 (Winter 1997/98): pp 40 - 46. Museum Computer Network.

Miller, Paul & Gill, Tony. "DC5: The Search for Santa" Ariadne Issue 12 (November 1997). University of Abertay Dundee & UKOLN 1997.

Gill, Tony & Grout, Catherine. "Finding & Preserving Visual Arts Resources on the Internet" Art Libraries Journal Volume 22 Issue 3 (1997): pp19-25.

Gill, Tony. "ADAM: Art, Design, Architecture & Media Information Gateway" AHDS Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 2 (Summer 1997).

Gill, Tony. "Standards & Quality for Art on the Internet" pp38-48, Proceedings Part I, Electronics and the Visual Arts 1997. Vasari Enterprises.

Gill, Tony. "ADAM & VADS: Standards & Collaboration" Proceedings of BULISC '97: New Tricks 2. University of Bournemouth.

Gill, Tony, Smith, Louise & Grout, Catherine. Visual Arts, Museums & Cultural Heritage Information Standards (later reformatted and published as VADS information standards review). Visual Arts Data Service 1997.

Grout, Catherine & Gill, Tony. Visual Arts, Museums & Cultural Heritage Metadata Workshop 1997 Report Visual Arts Data Service 1997.

Bailey, Chris & Gill, Tony. "Some Lines on the Occasion of ADAM's First Birthday" Computers and the History of Art Volume 8 Part 1 (1998): pp 69-96. Harwood Academic Publishers.

Miller, Paul & Gill, Tony. "Down Under with the Dublin Core" Ariadne Issue 8 (March 1997). University of Abertay Dundee & UKOLN.

Gill, Tony. "ADAM: Bits & Pieces" Ariadne Issue 6 (November 1996). University of Abertay Dundee & UKOLN.

Gill, Tony. "The ADAM Information Gateway" OutLine Issue 1 (October 1996): pp16-17. CTI Art & Design, University of Brighton.

Gosling, Kevin and Gill, Tony. "The Nation's Collections: are we virtually there?" MDA Information Volume 2 Number 2 (September 1996). Museum Documentation Association.

Dawson, David and Gill, Tony. The MDA Survey of Information Technology in Museums 1996 - 97. Museum Documentation Association 1996

Gill, Tony. The MDA Guide to Computers in Museums. Museum Documentation Association 1996.

Gill, Tony. "The ADAM Project" ARLIS UK & Ireland News-Sheet Vol. 121 (July/August 1996): pp9-10.

Gill, Tony. "The ADAM Project" Learning Resources Journal, Vol. 12 No. 2 (June 1996): pp38-39.

Gill, Tony. "A Project Called ADAM" Ariadne Issue 3 (May 1996). University of Abertay Dundee & UKOLN.

Gill, Tony. "Multimedia" Spectra Vol. 23, No. 3 (1996). Museum Computer Network.

Gill, Tony. "New Horizons for Museums" Heritage Development (Nov/Dec 95), IMS Publications Ltd.

Gill, Tony. "Conference Reminiscences" Spectra Vol. 23, No. 2 (1995/96). Museum Computer Network


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© Tony Gill 1999-2009 (may be copied for valid recruitment purposes)
Last modified: 14 July 2009