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Tony Gill's Photo Album

Volume XII: 2003

My first full year living in New York, and my first trip to Russia.

Click on an image to see an enlarged view.


Ice skating with Jessica in Central Park

January 2003

The Rotunda (designed by Thomas Jefferson) at the University of Virginia

January 2003

Houston Street, New York

February 2003

Snowboarding at Sugarbowl in Tahoe with Jess

March 2003

Enormous margharitas with Trish, Günter, Emerson & co. in La Jolla, CA

March 2003

Andrew & I relaxing on Jamie's roof terrace in Manhattan's West Village

March 2003

Jess & I on the anti-war march in New York

22 March 2003

"Family portrait" at the scooby doo house in Ticonderoga, NY.

April 2003

Buried under snowboards at Vail, Colorado

April 2003

Me with my parents at Lucky Strike in SoHo, New York

April 2003


April 2003

Down under the Brooklyn Bridge

June 2003

In a bar with friends in London

August 2003

Pyramid Lake, Nevada, on the way to Burning Man

August 2003

Helping to build the "Black Rock Scarab of 1,000 Playa Delights" at Burning Man

August 2003

On the Temple of Gravity at Burning Man

August 2003

The Church on Spilled Blood and the Griboedova Canal, St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

A taxi outside a McDonalds, St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

My tour guide Katya & I pose with some enormous Russian models at Peterhof, just outside St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

Posing with a Russian model at Peterhof, just outside St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

The Bronze Horseman statue of Peter the Great, St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

Outside the Artillery Museum, St Petersburg, Russia

September 2003

The Cruiser Aurora, St Petersburg, Russia. The Russian Revolution began at 9:40pm on 25 October 1917 when the Aurora fired a single round from it's bow gun to signal the storming of the Winter Palace.

September 2003

The CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group meeting at the Randolph Hotel in Oxford, UK.

October 2003

Arlington, Virginia with Andrew

October 2003

Under the Brooklyn Bridge with my sister, Sharon

October 2003

On the Liberty Island Ferry with my sister Sharon

October 2003

Riding in a limo in Las Vegas with Diane Zorich and Amy Lucker

November 2003

At the Riviera Hotel & Casino with fellow MCN attendees

November 2003

Making cornbread in my kitchen in Brooklyn for Thanksgiving

27 November 2003

Pre- & Post-Uvulectomy. The sore throat from hell!

December 2003

On my way to visit my car on Roosevelt Island, NYC

December 2003

Family Christmas in Chatham, Kent, U.K.

December 2003


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