With some of my RLG workmates at the Getty Center, Los
Angeles, for the ARLIS conference
March 2001
Snowboarding with Jessica, Lake Tahoe (probably Kirkwood),
April 2001
Me with a giant "A" on a vacant lot on Valencia
St - on my 33rd birthday, as a matter of fact
May 2001
On the ferry from Manhattan to New Jersey with Scyld,
with the twin towers of the World Trade Center in the background less
than three months before they were destroyed
June 20001
Brixton, London, with Lucy & Rob
July 2001
Sharon & Carl with my new niece Lisa at a barbecue
in Sheffield
July 2001
Me with Nan & Andrew in the Washington pub in Sheffield
July 2001
Andrew failing to stretch Nan's cat Charlie in Sheffield
July 2001
Nan in the Peak District outside Sheffield, getting text
message apologies from a friend for inappropriate behaviour while drunk.
July 2001
Me with my car in Calistoga
August 2001
This is me looking like a cheesy food critic in a restaurant
in Calistoga
August 2001
At the Grille de Ville camp at Burning Man, Black Rock
City, Nevada
August 2001
A spooky double exposure of Amy Stein at Burning Man
August 2001
On the playa at Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada
August 2001
The Grille de Ville camp after breaking down the shade
September 2001
Me with Martin Doerr at a bar in Darmstadt, Germany, following
the DELOS Ontology Harmonization Workshop
September 2001
Dinner with other members of the CIDOC CRM Special Interest
Group in Paris
October 2001
My sisters Sharon & Vicki & my nieces Madeline
& Lisa at my parents house in Rochester, Kent
October 2001
Me with Nan Renshaw on Landor Road in Brixton after an
agreeable afternoon drinking beer and playing pool in the Landor Hotel
October 2001
A whole bunch of folks at the Soho Spice curry shop. From
L-R they are: Johnny Diamandis, Nan Renshaw, myself, Cazza Sharpe, Johannes
the Architect, Djurdjina Watson, Paul Facer, Chris Routh, Phil McCabe
& Deborah Jampot-Smith.
October 2001
Jess & I drinking cocktails at the swim-up bar at
the Sheraton Buganvilias in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
November 2001
Jess & I in the water taxi on the way to Yelapa Beach
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
November 2001
Me at Yelapa Beach posing with a rented iguana. Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico
November 2001
Jess & I drinking cocktails at the swim-up bar at
the Sheraton Buganvilias in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
November 2001
Me with two American icons; the Golden Gate Bridge and
my 1969 Ford Mustang. They both cost about the same to maintain.
November 2001
My father with my neice Madeleine, Chatham, Kent, UK
26 December 2001
A VW camper van breaking out of its garage at Hunter's
Bar in Sheffield -- not especially relevant, I just liked the picture
27 December 2001
Me with an entire generation of Meakins -- Sophie, Clem
& Rufus -- at Nan's Christmas party in Sheffield
27 December 2001
Me with Claire Suss. in Brixton, London, after a largely
involuntary (on my part) hat exchange